This first blog will show some recent pictures of the cutie. He is just amazing... He is starting to get up in the crawling position and then rock back and forth. He then will eventually get up in the bear crawl position. I feel like he is going to be up on his feet and running any day now.
He is eating solid foods like a champ and really seems to love sweet potatoes...and his feet.

Koda and Deeogee are so good with him, and they love him. Koda will always lay next to Ayden when he is rolling around on the floor. He has to be around him at all times. Koda also acts like a napkin in which he has to lick Ayden's face when he is trying to eat solids.

Ayden also loves to get his bath with Daddy now. Everytime we are going start the water for the bath, we go to him, "Ayden do you want to go splashy splash?", and he get's sooo excited and starts kicking his feet like he is swimming in the air.

Here are some other cute pictures of the little one..