Over the weekend, we went pumpkin
pickin' with the Davis's (Matt, Abby and Cadence). We met up with Matt's family and nieces and nephews. We had a really good time except for when we got on the hayride. I grabbed
Ayden a bottle for the hayride and it seems that with
Ayden's two bottom teeth, he had punctured a hole in the nipple of the bottle. It was leaking all over the place and he wasn't able to eat. Apparently he was very hungry and was very upset. Once we were able to get off the hayride, everything was fine...but I felt so helpless. Serves me right for not bringing the whole diaper bag with me. Here are some pictures from that day.
Bob, Ayden and I (I know it looks funny how I am holding him)

Here is a picture of Matt, his daughter Cadence and niece Logan
My little Pumpkin

Ayden is now sitting up all the time. As soon as we put him on his stomach, he gets on all fours and throws his legs out from under him and sits up. It is so great because as soon as we put him down now, he laughs and amuses himself by just sitting there. He is so proud of himself and I absolutely love watching that.
We recently just went to the doctors for Ayden's 6 month check up and the doctor said he was doing great. She said he may start crawling any day now so we have to make sure our house is baby proofed. That is my job this weekend. I was a little concerned because his weight was in the 25% percentile though. I couldn't believe it! I said, "He eats all the time and there seems to be no problem with that." She made me feel better because she then said that he is so active that it is normal.
Enjoy some updated pictures. Once I figure out how to get videos on here, I will post them.
Koda's new best friend

Uncle Devon and Aunt Jenna