It is so fun to watch him on the beach. This kid is such a delegator. He would hand everyone shovels and say dig, dig. Once everyone was digging, he would watch and smile.
We just got home from our second vacation. We went to the Outer Banks with 24 other people and we stayed in a 12 bedroom house in Corrolla. It was so much fun. The house was absolutely amazing as you can imagine. You had to drive 10 miles on the beach to get to our house. It had a theatre room with 12 huge reclining chairs, huge bar/basement with pool table, fooz ball (sp) and that bar game that has photo hunt. There was a pool and a jacuzzi as well. It was awesome. We pretty much went to the beach everyday because it kept the kids occupied and happy and in the pool/jacuzzi later. We had so much fun with everyone and I would love to do that again. Oh yeah, and all of the guys got Mohawks. It was really funny and I loved it on Bob.
I wanted to post some pics of the growing man because I haven't posted in forever.
Here are some pics from Ocean City. Here is Ayden in his cool glasses.

Diggin on the beach
At the playground. He loved it!Here he is turning in a circle. Love it!
Here are some pics from the Outer Banks. Ayden with Daddy (and his mohawk) fishing. These are the wild horses that were always at our house.